Saturday, June 25, 2011

Animal (Mis)Behavior, or King in Action

Hi Folks -
From the very moment of his birth, King has been ready to be head-ram-in-charge and I watched a step in that process a couple of days ago.

We had moved the sheep from the south pasture to the west pasture and reconfigured a small section of the west pasture to give Thor-the-ram a better pen with shade and some grass (at least until he tromps it out). In the reconfiguration we ended up using a couple of fence panels that did not have field fencing attached to them. We eyeballed the lowest panel rail and since it was 110 degrees outside already and we didn't want to take the time to attach the fencing in the heat, we decided that the lambs were surely too big to fit between the lowest rail and the ground.

When I went to the pasture the next time I could see King in the south pasture and wondered what was up: how did he get there, and why did he even want to be there with no good new grass and no water? I watched a minute and he baaaa-ed a few baaa-s and here came the other lambs to him on their knees under the fence in the only portion of the only rail of the only panel where that could happen. King was working to create his own flock!!

Needless to say I headed right out there with the wire and field fencing, put a little alfalfa in the feeders and watched them go back underneath to get to the sheep-candy treat. I quickly propped the field fencing in front of the panels and began wiring. At 112 degrees I liked the task even less than I did at 110 degrees. And as soon as the dang panels that were suppose to be here a dang month ago arrive from the dang feed store, the ram lambs are going to get separated out --King is waaaay to interested in being, well, The King, and I can't risk fouling up the breeding date a 2nd year in a row.

Thinking fondly of ewe -
The Shepherd

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