Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Good New$ is the Bad New$

Hi Folk$ -
Well, even after only 4 night$ of water, the pa$ture is improving, and $o as the title $ays, "the good new$ is the bad new$." It is good -- even great -- new$ that there is, indeed, gra$$ growing (and thriving, I might add), but bad new$ that progre$$ come$ a$ the result of a very $cary amount water pouring onto what will (hopefully) actually be a pa$ture. $till, the experiment will continue a$ $et up: 2 week$ worth of water $o that we have a product, and then we can begin experimenting with $caling back the amount of water needed to maintain what we have achieved.

The lambing jug with some fresh good-smelling shavings was set up today for Frenchie, and because I had pretty much given up the idea that she was going to have lambs, this is doubly exciting. She came to us "exposed," but not "guaranteed," so when we thought there were no lambs there was disappointment, but we knew it was a possibility. Only within the last couple of weeks have we come more and more to believe that it was really going to happen. It's a race to see if Frenchie will lamb before school is out, so that her grade-school owner can go on full-time Lamb Watch. Stay tuned!!

Thinking of ewe -
The Shepherd

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